Hoping to shoot a bit more with my son for the EATER project this weekend. Also hoping to do some more editing on DEADLY PREMONITIONS.
PHANTASM III debuts on DVD on April 10. Sweet! All I have is a VHS copy I taped off of TV, I think.
JASON OF STAR COMMAND comes out on DVD in May. Sweet!!
Extra memory arrived for computer - hope to get it put in later this week.
Check it out: HorrorJunk internet review show reviews BLOODSUCKING REDNECK VAMPIRES...and they pretty much seemed to dig it - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOvt-C3dH2A
Got a new medical coverage plan with no copay for my blood pressure medication! Sweet!
Saw some of Tom Shaffer's TREESPIRIT footage. Some is pretty blownout and the color is pretty bad, but I'm hoping I can fix it all in post. He's got a lot left to shoot so we'll see how the whole thing turns out.
Saw TENACIOUS D in Portland - crazy and funny.
Got a stedicam jr. and nice tripod from my dad - need to carve out time to try 'em out.
Been ridiculously busy at work and at home, but hope to get some more movie updates posted soon.