Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!

I celebrated by birthday the other night doing what I love to do - shooting scenes for a cheeseball horror movie!
More info and pics as this project wraps up.

Meanwhile, I finally had a chance to look at the tapes that were thought to contain the werewolf short footage. And guess what? THEY DID! One tape was damaged to an extent that I can't use the footage (the tapes were in an attic in an area of the state where it is desert-hot in the summer and lots-of-snow cold in the winter, so that may have had something to do with it, who knows?) and one tape turned out to be the director's vacation footage, but one tape had werewolf footage on it.

I dubbed it from Hi8 to miniDV and the next step will be to import it into my mac and see how much I want to re-edit - perhaps a few scenes, perhaps the whole thing. We'll see. Step by step...

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